
Family Tree Page 2

Below is the family tree sent to us by Vladimir Freilicher, who lives in Russia.  We believe he is surely related for the spelling of the last name is precisely the same.  Below are also two notes he sent to Lila Freilicher.  If anyone can come up with a link between his ancestors and those we know of, please let Judy Freilicher or Lila Freilicher know.  Or post remarks on the message board.  Perhaps Moisey was a brother of Mordecai, or maybe a cousin.

Dear Lila,

Happy New Year! I beg your pardon but there is a cause to address you. Some months ago I wrote to you that I tried to search for my ancestor. Now I have learnt that his name was Schlayme Frelicher. He immigrated from Russia in 1912. He went to his cousin Herman Levin, who lived 1314 Moore St., Toledo, OH. I know that Herman Levin had lived in Minsk. You wrote that your relatives had come from Minsk (Byelorussia). May be that Herman Levin is also your relative. Perhaps you know something about him and his family. And if you don't know about them you can try to find them. I have learnt that Schlayme Frelicher had two children, a son and a daughter. I am very sorry but I don't know their names. I hope that you will trace their fate. I hope very much for your help. Thank you very much.

My best wishes.

Vladimir Freilicher

Dear Lila,

Thank you for your message. I sand you bmp file with my little family tree. Moisey lived in XIX century. I don't know dates of his birth and death. He had two sons, Schlayme and Samuil (may be he had more children, I don't know). Samuil was my grandfather. He had five sons. Three of them (Matvey, Lev and Moisey) were perished during the II World War. My uncle Solomon died in 1989. He had a son Lev. Ten years ago Lev with his family immigrated to Israel. The fifth brother Beniamin is my father. I was born in 1959. I am an engineer. I design equipment for food industry. I have a son. He is a student. Schlayme Freilicher immigrated from Russia in 1912. He went to his cousin Herman Levin. Schlayme Freilicher lived with his cousin 1314 Moore Street, Toledo, OH. I know that he had a son and a daughter. Perhaps that his name was written as Solomon and last name as Frelicher. I got the information from my father and from website Ellis Island. Besides this I found some photos where Schlayme and his family were photographed. I have learnt his address from reverse side of these photos.

My best wishes.
